Five Online Methods for Electricity Billing

In this era of technology, you can easily manage your utility bill payments online. No need to step out; it’s all at your fingertips. These Online Methods for Electricity Billing are not only convenient for individuals but also for small businesses.

Online Methods for Electricity Billing

Pay your MEPCO bill online through these free methods:

  1. Mobicash
  2. Easypaisa
  3. HBL Bank
  4. Meezan Bank
  5. UBL Bank

Mepco Bill Online Billing Payments

Online Methods for Electricity Billing

Discover the most convenient and freely available online payment methods for your MEPCO electricity bill. Even if you’re a new customer, you can request a connection online. Additionally, we’ve listed various bank payment methods and outlined the procedure for acquiring a new online connection.Lost your MEPCO bill reference number? No worries, you can find a solution here. While you’re at it, discover more about MEPCO services.

Payment with Mobicash

Nowadays, To pay your MEPCO bill,MOBICASH is one of the best Online Methods for Electricity Billing online. Here’s how:

  1. Open your Mobicash/JazzCash app on your smartphone. If you don’t have it, download it from the app store.
  2. Sign in to your Mobicash account. If you’re new, follow the provided video to create an account.
  3. Click on ‘utility bills’ in the main menu.
  4. Choose ‘electricity’ and search for MEPCO in the search bar. Select it.
  5. Enter your reference number to fetch your bill.
  6. Your bill will appear with the payment amount.
  7. Confirm the payment, and you’ll receive a successful confirmation message.

Pay Bills through Easy Paisa

Easy paisa is 2nd type of Online Methods for Electricity Billing. Follow the below-given instructions to pay your bill through the easy paisa application:

  1. Open to your easy paisa application.
  2. Sign in easy paisa application through your account.
  3. Now select “bill payment” from the main menu, and choose electricity.
  4. Now select MEPCO from the available options.
  5. Enter your 14 digits reference number or scan your bill.
  6. Click on pay now and put your secret MPIN.
  7. A confirmation message that you have paid your bill successfully will receive through SMS.
  • 🔘 Want to estimate your MEPCO electric bill easily? Use our MEPCO Bill Calculator. Don’t forget to explore additional topics like checking demand notices from MEPCO.

Paying MEPCO Bills with HBL Bank App

To pay your MEPCO bill,UBl is one of the best Online Methods for Electricity Billing online through credit card of HBL bank, follow the given instructions:

  1. Open your HBL application. For this, you must have a bank account in HBL Bank.
  2. Sign in to your app through your credit card information if you have a registered account; if you don’t have a registered account, then register your account.
  3. After successful sign-in, click on payment, then choose bill payments.
  4. Now select the company, search MEPCO in the search bar, and choose it.
  5. Enter a 14-digit consumer number.
  6. Click on next. Complete detail of your bill, including name, payment, and payment status, will pop up.
  7. Click on next, and pay your bill by inserting the secret MPIN.
  8. Stay up to date with your electricity expenses. Explore ‘Mepco Online Bill Check‘ and keep track of your bills effortlessly

Paying Your Bill through Meezan Bank

In 2023, To pay your MEPCO bill,MEEZAN Bank is one of the best Online Methods for Electricity Billing online. Here’s how:

  1. Open your Meezan Bank app, provided you have one. You need an account with Meezan Bank.
  2. Sign in to your account.
  3. Click on ‘Bills & Top Up.’
  4. Select ‘Add bills and mobile number.’
  5. Choose the ‘utility’ option and then select ‘MEPCO Company.’
  6. Enter your 14-digit reference number and click ‘next.’
  7. Pay your bill by entering your secret MPIN.

Your bill is now successfully paid.Delve into the intricacies of your MEPCO electric bill and tariff rates with our guide.

Easy Bill Payment with UBL Bank

To pay your MEPCO bill,UBl is one of the best Online Methods for Electricity Billing online through UBL Bank, follow these steps:

  1. Open the UBL application on your smartphone. You must have an account with UBL Bank.
  2. Log in to your UBL application.
  3. Click on ‘bill management.’
  4. Then, select ‘payments and bill management.’
  5. Add a new bill.
  6. Choose ‘utility bills’ and then select the company (MEPCO).
  7. Enter the 14-digit reference number from your bill in the account number field.
  8. Now, complete your bill payment by entering your secret MPIN.

And there you have it; your bill is successfully paid.”


  1. What is MEPCO online bill payment?

    MEPCO online bill payment is a convenient way to pay your electricity bill using various online methods.

  2. Do I need to have an account with these banks to pay my bill?

    Yes, you need to have an account with the respective bank to use their online bill payment service.

  3. How can I find my 14-digit reference number for bill payment?

    Your reference number can be found on your electricity bill.

  4. Is online bill payment safe and secure?

    Yes, online bill payment methods are secure and use encryption to protect your data.

  5. Can I pay my MEPCO bill from a mobile app?

    Yes, you can pay your bill using mobile apps offered by banks like Meezan, UBL, HBL, and more.

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